Single Cell Immune Profiling

Service Details: Single Cell Immune Profiling

What is included?

Sample Preparation
Sample QC
Library Preparation
Cell Ranger Pipeline and Loupe Browser
Data Delivery

Technical Specifications

Library Preparation Kit: Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 5' Reagent Kit v2 (Dual Index)

Sequencing Platform: Illumina NovaSeq 6000

Read Type: Paired-end

Sequencing Depth: 50,000 read pairs per cell for 5' gene expression, 5,000 read pairs per cell for V(D)J libraries


Raw data file (.fastq)
10X Loupe Browser files (.cloupe and .vloupe)
10X Cell Ranger WebSummary (.html)
Summary QC Report (.pdf)

Turnaround Time

4 weeks for a batch of up to 16 samples

Sample Requirements

For detailed information about the sample requirements for our Single Cell Immune Profiling service, please consult our sample requirements page.

*Turnaround times are indicative and may be subject to sample type and volume.

Why Choose Our Single Cell Immune Profiling Services?

Why Choose Single Cell Immune Profiling?

Applications of Single Cell Immune Profiling?

Service Workflow: Single Cell Immune Profiling

Service Workflow: Single Cell Immune Profiling

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